Offering You The Best
- Bespoke Automotiveは現在、英国の911 RennsportとドイツのEARLY911Sを独占的に取り扱っています。これらの会社はそれぞれの専門分野のスペシャリストであり、年間生産台数が非常に少ないため、購入者がいつまでも手元に置いておきたくなるような高品質の自動車を生産することに重点を置いています。
- Bespoke Automotive currently represents 911 Rennsport from the UK and EARLY911S from Germany exclusively. These companies are specialists in their areas of expertise and produce very few vehicles every year so the focus is on producing high quality automobiles that any buyer will want to keep forever.

どんな会社にも、その設立には必ずストーリーがあります。ビジョンと願望がチャンスと出会うポイントです。ポールとキース・コッケルの創造性と意欲が、ポルシェのスペシャリストによる再現とレストアへの関心がかつてないほど高まっている今、911 Rennsportの設立という形で結実したのです。
There is always a story behind the creation of every company: a point where vision and desire meet with opportunity. The Rennsport story is no exception - the creativity and drive of Paul and Keith Cockell being realised in the formation of 911 Rennsport at a time when interest in specialist Porsche recreations and restorations has never been higher.
Rennsport recreates the driving experience of the classic narrow-bodied Porsche 911 with upgraded modern technologies that improve performance, handling and comfort. Owners enjoy the experience of each car being built to individually chosen specifications and have the excitement of driving this celebrated car as if it was new from the factory. Exclusivity is what makes a Porsche by Rennsport so special. Rennsport will create your car exactly to your personal specifications, allowing you to become part of the process from the initial selection of your donor car, through the entire build, to the moment its driven away by a new owner.
英国の創業者と経営陣 ポール・コッケル(マネージング・ディレクター)とキース・コッケル(会長)(息子と父親)。(キースは元カーデザイナー、PSAプジョー・シトロエンでヨーロッパ・カー・オブ・ザ・イヤーを受賞)。 設立 2012年11月8日
UK founders and senior management Paul Cockell, Managing Director and Keith Cockell, Chairman; (son and father). (Keith ex-car designer, PSA Peugeot Citroen, winner of European Car of the Year) Founded 8 November 2012
Rennsport Ltd. – Restomod air-cooled Porsche 911
レンスポーツ - レストモッド空冷ポルシェ911
Early911sの使命は、1998年モデルまでの歴史的な空冷ポルシェを、現在のオーナーと次世代のために良好な機械的状態で維持することです。何十年も使用された車両は、オリジナルの状態に修復されます。 Early911sでは、空冷ポルシェ911の美しさを細部に至るまで完璧に保ちながら、当時のノウハウを生かし、同じ情熱を持って空冷ポルシェ911の時代を保存しています。
Early911s’ mission is to maintain historic, air-cooled Porsches up to model year 1998 in good mechanical condition for today’s owners and future generations. Cars that have been used for decades are restored back to their original condition. Early911s, keeps the know-how of that time alive and applies it with the same passion to preserve the era of air-cooled Porsche 911 while retaining the beauty of these cars with perfection down to the smallest detail.
Restoration and maintenance are carried out entirely in-house. Typically, there are over 500 projects being restored at any time. With in-house upholsterers, engine builders and coachbuilders, Early911s can achieve perfect technical condition, preserve patina and repair damage, while remaining true to each vehicle’s original specifications.
To restore Porsches and return them to their original technical condition, as they would have been on first delivery requires three approaches. First, where the vehicle has its original paint and patina and is in excellent technical condition, the interior is simply cleaned and if necessary damaged parts replaced. The second approach is more comprehensive, replacing most of the car’s components. The third way is to create the ‘patina’. Whichever method is applied, buyers are guaranteed one of the best restored air-cooled Porsche in the world!
2006年12月21日設立 マンフレッド・ヘリング
Founded 21 December 2009 by Manfred Hering